I am grateful and thankful for Kevin working on our property decluttering he took down so much of the brush today to make it nicer we can see from my kitchen window washing dishes all the way down to our swingset now 😁whenever we have kids here, we want to be able to see all the way to the playground and we can now! 💖
I am grateful and thankful for my session w my reflexologist we always have such good talks, while she is making my body feel better w all this still moving n renovating
I am grateful and thankful for a girl coming to the house today to pick up two big boxes of clothes that I no longer love, and was ready to let someone else love 💕
I am grateful and thankful for the talk w my son McClain today for an hour while I was at the columbia house cleaning n we got to just chat about things and life and future, and of course he put a box in the truck for me n got things off the top shelf for me 😃
I am grateful and thankful to my gratitude girls partner and us getting together to do our weekly coaching for our small group coaching clients class 💙