I am grateful and thankful to Kevin being my chauffeur n taking me to my appointments 😁 he will let me go n drive on my own anytime I want, but likes to drive me, n then he does whatever during an appointment I may have, and I so love spending 24/7 time w him, so I love him taking me, Especially since we live so far out then we talk while we drive every day about things too.
I am grateful and thankful to my sweet #nailsalon lady who always takes care of me on my pedicure and manicure, doing such a great job, and making me feel good n my nails look great!
I am grateful and thankful Bruce at #HomeDepot who helped us cut several pieces of wood for shelves in my laundry room.
I am grateful and thankful Rick who helped us find a tiny screw we looked forever for, that we needed for my desk that Kevin got me for my birthday and needed to fix on one of the hinges.
I am grateful and thankful my lady at the #postoffice that found all my mail and packages for me today that weren’t found the other day.