I am so grateful and thankful for Kevin sitting w me for 4 hours at our storage unit waiting fir our new couches we ordered 6/11/20 (yes over a year ago!) and finally coming of course while we are in the middle of a huge renovation that we thought would be further along by now…but anyway all that to not have them come, so now it will be tue or wed n we get to do it all over again! Lol and some reason no one can give us a smaller window than 4 hours…BUT they will be the EXACT couches we wanted after sitting on over 100 couches in so many different stores till we figured out exactly what we wanted, so we are excited to finally get them! 😁
I am so grateful and thankful for chik fil a for ‘forgetting’ to put my gluten free bun in my bag when we got lunch today, cuz I told myself I wasn’t going to ‘cheat’ n even though gluten free still not the best choice for me I know, so I didn’t have it! Lol 😂
I am so grateful and thankful for Kevin picking out a movie he reviews n figures out what he knows I will love 💕
I am so grateful and thankful for my sisters who are my best friends 💜we all talk every single day, n all have been thru so much together, and idk what I would ever do without them.
I am so grateful and thankful for my kids that text me n check in on me often and love me. ❤️