Happy 16th Anniversary to me! 🙂
Everything has been SO crazy busy lately with my web n graphic design, branding & marketing company, my coaching clients, and several speaking engagements, that I hadn’t even taken the suitcase off my bed in a few months, other than changing out the clothes in it!
BUT getting ready to catch another flight TODAY, to fly to SLC to go to our International Convention……I remembered my 16th Anniversary in Send Out Cards was last week!!!
SO blessed beyond measure to have found this company 16 years ago, that has enabled me to build better relationships, with my clients and customers, to create incredible client long term relationships and where my clients give me referrals all the time with out me even asking…..to also being able to keep in touch better with all our friends and family building those relationships as well…..and all the while providing an amazing income stream for my family at the same time.
I can’t wait to see all my SOC family all week!