I have a gift for you today so make sure to read to the end! Today’s mail is about the best kind of prompting. An Inner Prompting “A gift that comes from within.” Most of the time, a prompting is a thought or feeling that inspires you to: Do something Reach out Say something Share something Whatever the reason, your inner prompting motivates you to act. Promptings are gifts to us human beings that should be recognized and acted upon quickly (like within 60 seconds) if possible. Otherwise, it could be too late and a missed opportunity to make someone feel special or positively change a person’s trajectory. Let me ask you… Have you ever felt the disappointment of a missed opportunity from the dreaded: Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve Disappointment comes from NOT acting on your promptings. On the flip side, abundance comes from acting on Promptings! Attracting abundance by following your promptings is a simple process: ActAppreciateAttract Learning to recognize inner promptings begins within yourself! So, my gift to you is “The Promptings Process Ebook;” click the link to download yours for free: I’m so excited that you are one of the first people to receive this Ebook! This Ebook will guide you to fulfilling your purpose and attracting prosperity into your personal and business life by perfecting, recognizing, and acting on your inner promptings. Enjoy the Ebook, Laurie P.S. I always respond, so feel free to reply and ask any questions you have; I love to help guide people to act on their promptings. | |