Laurie’s Lessons
Set a realistic goal: 100 front line associates is a big number. Break it down into smaller, more manageable goals. Aim for a certain number of sign-ups each month or week.
The most successful people – are people, people….Like when you talk to people just cuz you want to sign them up, people feel that. Now obviously if you want to sign people up – you have to talk to people. Lol but there is a difference – like this week – I had lunch/dinner w 3 different friends – that was purely building that relationship….now do they know what I do? Yes of course – and while I will also get together with people for coffee, lunch or dinner to present and sign them up, I can still get together with people to simply share a meal and conversations outside of network marketing too. You have to learn that balance.
One way I got 100 direct associates – was meeting with people. Now I stay busy with a retired husband and spending time with him and traveling with him, I watch 2 of my grandbabies a few days a week to help our son and his wife out…but I still find time in my schedule – and that is another thing – I do schedule it…I plan to meet with someone at least once a week purely for business, granted we may be friends and we talk personal stuff too, but they know I am meeting them for business and we are either meeting because they are already on my team and we are talking strategically to get them where they want, or we are meeting to sign them up on my team and see if we are a good fit for each other.
Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach? What are their needs and interests? Once you know your target audience, you can tailor your message to them. The biggest misconception is people looking for a sales person, or someone saying they are not a salesperson…..And everyone IS a salesperson! You sell your kids or your husband to eat their green beans, right? Ha! You are a sales person. You share with people what you know that can HELP them. You want people who are KIND, and you CARE for other people….those people will be your leaders on your team.
Another way is posting on my social media daily. I post about the product, I will post about the company, I will post about me winning an award or an incentive trip, or someone I signed up, or someone on my team that achieved a level. I will also post testimonials on my pages – whether it is about one of our products or a service, or even a testimonial about me or my personal business – testimonials and stories “sell” – I ask people for testimonials when I work with them, then I share those w others that follow me.
I add to my social media daily – I download my Facebook friends/followers list – I go thru at least 5-10 per day – like, comment on people’s pages to keep in touch/interact but also message people on their birthdays to keep in touch and keep relationships going….and if there is no reciprocal on the relationship – I remove to open for actual relationships. I look for new people to connect with often – I don’t just add people either – I look at their page, see the mutual friends, see their posts – if their posts align with me, or my way of thinking I will add them, same I am probably not going to sign up someone in my business if we don’t align on things – now that does’t mean everything – cuz we are not ever going to have that right – but we do have to align on many things, can still agree to disagree on others – but you want to build a business with people you also enjoy hanging out with – cuz you will at company events, trips etc
Every day I look for reasons to reach out to people. If it’s someone’s birthday, I reach out with a text or a private message on Facebook. I comment on people’s posts daily. I will often send them a private message depending on what they post. I commented on his post but also sent him a private message to congratulate him. My goal is to start conversations.
Be on more than 1 platform – I am on linked in, Facebook, instagram, YouTube, Spotify, TikTok, threads, x, — you should post to ALL at least some….as you work on it more, you will find your “playground” — where you are most comfortable- what you love – and then you can focus there – like my playground IS Facebook – I get the most results there, I am most comfortable there, etc….but I still push myself to be on the others – video is NOT my favorite LOL but as you can see, I CAN do it, I push myself to do it – and I will put that out on TikTok, YouTube etc. maybe not even as often as I should – and same thing – we are all, no matter how good we are, working on ourselves to be better and get better (and if you are not, you should be! Lol never think that you have arrived, cuz things change ALL the time!)
Build relationships: People are more likely to join your business if they know and trust you. Take the time to get to know your prospects and build relationships with them.
Then also find out who they would like to build a team with, and work with them – do 3 way calls/texts/messages/zooms with them. To help your team get their people on their team.
Share your story: Why did you join this business? Why did you pull out your credit card at the beginning? Share that story w others – What are your goals? When you share your story, you’ll connect with people who have similar goals and values. I always share my personal testimonial on my social media- and sometimes different parts of it – cuz if you are with a company for awhile – you will develop different testimonials – whether product, different products, service, income, trips, etc. Share those – share the real life with people.
Offer value: Don’t just focus on selling the opportunity. Offer your prospects something of value, such as a free training or resource. Also value on the company, the products, your team, etc….If they join and they are not buying a starter kit – why? Did you show them the value of coming in w a kit? Did you show them the bonuses they can earn if they come in w a kit and bring in others with a kit in certain amounts of time? Did you show them how much they can earn if they come in w a kit, and others on their team come in with kits? (This goes the same with autoship- why be on autoship? Like out company – if you are on 2 packs per month autoship and you bring in 3 front line associates that are on 2 packs a month autoship – then you get to pick 2 packs free the following month – why would anyone NOT do that? Don’t let the company keep that $ or products….same with earning the bonuses on buying kits as you come in – earn those bonuses on time – don’t let the company keep the company they would be offering you :)). Does your sponsor know you are committed? When you buy a starter kit they do. Plus you need products to try and have on hand to sell if you are going to be committed. Your sponsor spends time with you to teach, train, coach you. They should get the commissions from you buying a starter kit. Also most people will do what you do – if you don’t buy a starter kit….do you expect the people you bring in to get a starter kit? It leads also to duplication on your team.
Be patient: It takes time to build a successful network marketing business. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.
Look thru your phone. Go thru your phone and make a list of EVERY contact in your phone….if you don’t want to reach out to someone in your phone – why? Are you chicken of them? Are you prejudging them that they would say no, or not have the money or not be interested? If any of those – that is okay – but do NOT decide FOR someone! Your job is to share it with them. It is their job to decide if it is right for them. And if it is not, that is OKAY – accept that and move to the next person in your list…but if you FULLY believe your product or service or company can HELP someone….then what kind of friend are you if you KEEP it from them? SHARE it – let them decide.
Follow up: Not everyone will be ready to join your business right away. Follow up with your prospects and stay in touch. This is one of the biggest things. Keep a list of people you talked to, what they said, where they were at, and when you follow up with them. Reach back out and follow up! We are ALL busy! Are you? I know I am! How many times have you went to a website – put it in your favorites or bookmarked it to go back to later – then NEVER did? Why? Cuz you are busy right?!?! SAME! So think of it the same way – follow up with people if they said they were interested or maybe or even yes but hand’t joined – maybe they are JUST BUSY and hadn’t had time! Have an emails list you can send out information to as you get new info, or testimonials or sales etc. Keep track of who and how you have followed up in an excel spreadsheet to keep track.
(Reminds me of the liquid vitamin I need to order – and my person I buy from has not followed up w me to see why I hadn’t bought yet – lol but it IS something I want – I just have been busy and hand’t clicked the button…..that person – honestly, if they followed up w me – either I would sit down and do it, or I would allow them to click it for me so it is done….then they’d have the sale….and it is something I WANT and have been MEANING to order)
Find ways to meet other people….eventually you will run out of people so you need to find ways to find more. Go sit in a busy coffee shop to work instead of at home, make conversation w some people that come in – meet people. Go to the post office or grocery and stand in line – make a conversation w people. Go ride an elevator of a busy hotel – ride up and down – talk to people as they get on the elevator- go grab some of those southwest $49 flights – go somewhere different for the day – talk to people in the airport, sit in different spots, make conversations, talk to people on the plane, in the restaurants there etc.
Another idea is a BOOTH at an event – with this you can NOT just sit back and let people come up to you – you must say HI/Hello to everyone that walks by your booth – find ways t bring them into your booth w a giveaway, a banner that is attractive that gives them an incentive to want to come in, etc
Join a networking group – some are free – google – networking and your city – and you will find things – even in smaller cities! Drive to bigger cities or other cities around you! Nothing wrong with driving 30 min to an hour or even more – get out and go to different places – go to different restaurant or coffee places in those cities meet people- be kind and talk to people.
Use a variety of methods: There are many ways to recruit new associates. Use a variety of methods, such as online marketing, social media, and face-to-face networking.
Lead w the product if you LOVE the product – and if you don’t love it, you shouldn’t represent it. You don’t want people that are going to jump to the next shiny object that comes along.
Be a leader: When you’re a leader, people will be more likely to join your team. Be a positive role model and help your team members succeed. People love to work with other successful people. Granted don’t say what you are not – you can say you are building – but always work on yourself to be better too.
Conference calls/opportunity zooms – be on as many of the calls as you can – if you hear it over and over – that is good for you! You will learn how to say it better the more you hear it. Have a guest on each call! Invite others to the call, when you have guests on the call, you will more WANT to be on the call. You need to be on the call so your team and others see you on the call. Do what you want your people to do – do you want your people to be on the call? Do you want your people inviting others to the call? Then you be on the call, you invite others to the call.
Have fun: Network marketing should be fun! When you’re having fun, it will be easier to attract new associates. It shouldn’t be like work – it IS work though! But have fun while you are doing it – don’t look at it as I have to find 5-50 hours a week to ADD into my schedule – no, work it while you are living your life and always be open for the opportunities to present itself, or you find a way to bring it up. Also don’t be ALL business to the detriment of your family – it is great to make money and I have made good money for the last 35+ but also is huge to maintain a balance pf personal life and business…
Life your life and fit it into your life.