Shew!!!! I am a popped puppy! Lol
We worked at the house today, I literally drove the tractor for 5 hours…I got the whole front and side of the house done, still not the other side of the driveway or down by the play area.
He used his new toys and cut back some of the brush, about another 20 ft long and about 10 ft wide area opened up, then we have like 6 big bushes on the property, that were way overgrown, he shaped those all up, and weed-eated everywhere.
Then I drove the tractor to each bush w the bucket on it n he picked up all the brush he trimmed, and I drove it to our burn pile n went back n forth to each one (that’s how much he trimmed!) lol
Will have to take new pics tomorrow when we go back out, we just made it done n put the tractor up n got in the sunroom n it started major storming! Perfect timing! Thanks God for waiting for us to finish 😁