Many companies ignore Valentine’s Day because they don’t recognize the potential positive impact on their bottom line.
Nowadays, research has shown that people enjoy receiving cards in the mail more than ever before.
Research also shows that communication with social media messages, texting, and the uncertainty of opening emailed e-cards (for fear of viruses) have a much lower response rate than sending a greeting card.
For sure it’s no surprise that when Valentine’s Day comes around, most people think of their:
- Family
- Friends
- Boyfriends
- Girlfriends
- Spouses
- Significant others
- Pets
Unfortunately, many times, not their customers.
This is why I can’t express myself strongly enough!
While other companies are ignoring Valentine’s Day, why don’t you think about embracing it?
Why, you ask?
Simply because it allows businesses to connect with customers and make an unexpected impact with an empowering experience.
That’s why! To make “an empowering customer experience” that has the potential to increase your bottom line in business and sales.
If that’s not a good enough reason to appreciate your customers on Valentine’s, I don’t know what is!
I can show you how to send Valentine’s cards to your customers quickly and efficiently, and I will put that process at the end of this email for reference.
But this week, I want to share another unexpected way to impact your customers this Valentine’s holiday, and here is the kicker, NO ONE ELSE IS DOING THIS!
It’s called “The Photo Postcard Program”

The Photo Postcard Program is robust and the unique life-changing marketing for business allows you to personalize a postcard with a photo of customers from pictures and posts they have made on social media. Ultimately saying you care and making someone FEEL the love.

Talk about staying top of mind and kicking your competition to the curb.
Now, for those of you that are old-fashioned like me and enjoy picking a Valentine card on the day of (February 14), then order a special card in bulk and hand-deliver to customers making it even more unexpected and extra special.

Hint: Even if all you do is send a Valentine to long-time loyal customers, remember to send them something special or inspired gift-giving for your high-end customers.

Don’t miss out!
Choose to send something! Even the simplest of cards will make a significant impact on your bottom line!
I’m here to help and respond to my emails, so let’s connect.
Happy card sending, 🙂
Laurie Delk Radecki