Coaching & Training: Mindset, Vision, Motivation, Goals, Gratitude 4-17-23
I am going to be training on mindset as well as some just a few different generic type tips.
So one thing huge is to remember when you join the team you might see everything that I do. You might see what I post in the group of what all i’m doing, or you might follow me on social media and see what i’m doing. And and you might be . you know I can’t do all those things, or or you know whatever. No, you don’t have to worry about doing everything that I do, and especially If something is working for you.
Then keep doing whatever is working for you. Right? So there’s some people that are great on social media. There are some people that are great in person.
There’s some people that are great you know, going to networking events. There’s some people that are great at doing actual Booth type events. So whatever works for you, if it’s working for you, keep doing that.
And of course, if it’s not working for you, whatever you’re doing. Then, obviously, you know, adjust some things, maybe try something different. Maybe try to get a little bit out of your comfort zone to do something different.
But just remember, you don’t have to do everything that somebody that you look up to, or that somebody that’s more successful than you is doing. But just remember I, you know the only reason I have more sign up is because I’ve talked to more people
i’ve, you know, done the balance test on more people. I’ve shown it to more people. That’s it. So there’s no reason that anybody can’t even join and surpass me. because if you work harder than me if you you know, show it to more people, whether it’s on social media, or whether it’s in person. However, you want to do it the same thing. It’s just showing it to more people.
Then but don’t forget to always try different things even if whatever’s working for you is working for you. Maybe you can add something else into it, too, so you know, Always be open to that. But Don’t totally change what you’re doing. If something’s working for you. But if it’s not working for you, then look at some other things, and maybe you don’t get out of your comfort zone a little bit.
Remember that mindset is the biggest thing, if you take notes on anything I ever say, Mindset is the biggest thing. It is so huge, I promise you.
So another one of the big things is Define what your limiting beliefs are . For most people it’s it’s recruiting I I can’t recruit. I don’t know how to recruit. I talk to people, and they don’t ever want to sign up with me whatever right. So think about what you know, what you struggle with, and what somebody what other people maybe tell you
If you talk to yourself ? Or what do I have an issue with? Why, why do I think people don’t sign up with me.
Then think about that, and whatever that is that just start working on changing it.
So one huge thing that I believe in is affirmations I used to when people used to tell me about them 25 plus years ago, I was kinda , Hmm. I don’t know. because I kind of feel you know. An affirmation is if you’re not there, An affirmation is a lie, and you know it is a lie, right, and none of us are perfect, of course. But I just used to have a problem with that.
so I don’t know if anybody needs to hear this or not. But That’s how I was, you know, many years ago… And I was actually talking to a pastor friend one day, and he said. You know the Bible says, Believe as if you have received right. So you’re supposed to say it and believe it as if you’ve already received it, and so that just was a total game changer for me in my head, because that’s it, because most of all of our issues and pretty much anything in our life is right between these 2 spots, right?
once I started believing that then I could tell myself, you know that. Yes, I am achieving different things. So . If you believe that recruiting is one of your issues, say I am a great recruiter say it to yourself, say it in the mirror in the bathroom right? Because a lot of times. Then then a lot of times when that’s , you know, I love you right. You say that to yourself in the bathroom, and some some people have an issue with that. Some people can do it great.
but some people have an issue with it, and so just talk to yourself. One of my most favorite top mentors in the world was Zig Ziglar. I have every single one of his books. I took tons of his trainings. I saw him speak in person at least 100 times at different events so and he was huge on saying all these different things to yourself in the mirror every day and i’ll have to find that list and post it sometime, but it’s really huge. But you could just start out with a few things so every day.
I am a great recruiter.
I am attracting the right customers and distributors into my life. I am signing up a new customer and distributor every single week.
Right? So think of some things that you want. and that you want to be better at. And then just write them down in the positive connotone.
Write them on an index, card or whatever, and then say them to yourself, every day, a couple of times a day. and Don’t say the negative part of those things anymore.
Once you realize what that little negative connotone thing is that you have or issue.
Then then have it that one time, and then write the opposite, the positive side of that.
also say, You know I am learning more and more every day, and becoming a better and better leader every single day. So those are some of the things that I say still to this day, and but you know, because the same thing, none of us have ever arrived right doesn’t matter how much money you make or so what rank you get, You still want to get better, right. You should always be wanting to improve yourself. And so the more that you read, the more that you train your brain the longer your brain is gonna work for you, anyway, right? And of course, if you were your our flow patch.
Train your brain all the time to do better, and remember more, and become better every day.
if you train your mind. I promise you, promise you, promise you it will change your life
, I said. The biggest thing I could tell you is with all the stuff…Train your mind, and it will change your life.
And then one huge theme, too, is. realize that before you can influence others have to be able to influence yourself so you can’t lead others. If you can’t lead yourself right. So if you, if you want your team to buy product then make sure you’re buying the product right?
if you want your team to use the product make sure you’re using the product right? So you know, if somebody asks you, hey? Did you try da da dah, dah, dah, dah? That’s right. You want to be able to say yes, right? I had somebody ask me today if I tried our new joy patch yet, and I had to say no, but it’s just because I don’t have it yet. I it has been ordered. But try our products also. every single one that comes out, you should always be trying.
even if you don’t think that you need it . I kind of thought. Well, I don’t. I don’t really. I don’t feel , I have any bad habits to kick. But
I told my husband I want us to both wear the kick it patch for 30 days straight. just to see what we feel if we notice anything right. because if you’re selling it, you should be able to answer people of it what it’s done for you. And even if it didn’t do anything for you, you know, and listen to that stories for of other people. But you should still at least try it
Are you telling your team to post on their social media to get them to join them? But are you doing it? Do do what you tell other people to do If I post in the group, or if I tell you on these calls, do this, do this. I guarantee you i’m doing it
If you tell people that you want them to. Do so many balance tests, so I’m in a special accountability group with Steve, and we have to do minimum of 3 balance tests a week, right? Of course most people do a lot more, but even me i’m with my grandbaby full time 4 days a week and then I drive an hour each way to my son’s house to go watch him every day those 4 days. So there’s a lot of times that i’m not i’m not out networking as I used to all the time.
but I still get my balance test done.
I flew to Canada this weekend for my gratitude girls, Partner’s birthday, and I’ve balance tested 15 people while I was up in Canada this weekend. fit it in in your life wherever you are. We stopped at someone’s house last night, same thing. Just the conversation was going, and they asked me what I did in Canada this weekend, and so I kind of went through a couple of the things I did. And she said I’ve heard about those patches Can pregnant people wear them/
Yes, actually the guy that got me in it. His daughter just delivered a baby, and she was wearing them during her pregnancy. She were them during the labor and delivery, and she felt it helped her a ton. It’s oh, can I try that? So did a balance test on her.
She saw the results instantly and so then she was her husband came in, and she was You got to have Laurie do this on you. You’ve got to try it, so find you don’t have to be on selling it being that that person that you know nobody really cares about, because they’re constantly trying to sell you something but talk to people and literally get them to tell you things that where it’s gonna fit, where you can make our product or service, or whatever fit for them to help them.
And then, when you’re writing down your goals, so I totally believe in vision boards. I believe in having pictures and things and thinking about what you want to get. So write down your goals, you know, and visualize your goals, and so think about What are you gonna do when you get the rank bonus of team leader? So this $500 extra cash, right? What are you gonna do with that ? Are you gonna put it back in the business? Are you gonna buy yourself a new outfit? Are you gonna make a car payment , what are you gonna do with that
Write it down. Be specific and in detail what you plan to do with it. and for each bonus. Break down how you’re gonna spend it Because if you make and visualize that goal, then more than likely you’re gonna get you’re gonna attract it, and you’re going to achieve it. You’re gonna hit that goal
If you just write down goals that are in the future, then they’re always going to be in the future right?
So you write down goals as the same thing what I said before, as if you’ve already received them
I am a team leader in the Super Patch Company. I am a director in the Super Patch Company. I am so excited that I’ve won the $500 team leader award, because now I get to buy da da da da da and write that out specific and in detail, what you’re gonna buy with that money when you get it.
write down what you’re gonna do with your life as you get more people on your team as you get more income as you get to help more people write all that out specific and in detail. The more specific, the more detailed you can get about it the better it’s gonna come to life, and the faster it’s gonna come for you. And remember that, too, when you, when you write down your gratitude, too. So of course, most of you guys know that I have a nonprofit called the Gratitude Girls with my partner, Kathryn, who I went to see for her birthday in Canada this weekend.
we have the Gratitude Journal, and it’s on Amazon. If if you haven’t gotten it, and you want to get it. But what we teach in that it’s just so simple you could do it with a dime store Notebook journal is 5 things specific in detail every night before you go to bed
that way. It’s the last thing on your head. Don’t touch your phone after that process.
Do not touch the news, especially after that process. Nothing. Write down last thing before bed, right down 5 things. You’re specific in a detail that you’re grateful for. That happened that day that day not all, all, all time, or in your life, or whatever that day.
because, as you do that, then more things are going to come to that. You will have to be specific and in detail grateful for.
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