This is one of the dresses I scored in #KeyWest one shop had it for $69, and I love it cuz the flag and supporting our country 😊 but waited and a few shops later I got it on clearance for $5!!!!! So then I got just a few more too! Lol I absolutely love pretty sundresses for the summer. Of course I still have my #MichaelKohrs sandals on, they just go with everything
😀 Today is on ship day, so we are getting our steps in walking the decks! Also some pics here from one of the shows we saw that night with #JimmyHopper from #LasVegas
#BeachLife #LifeIsBetterByTheWater #BeachGirl #TravelGirl#CruisePrincess #BayBabe #HotPinkPrincess #RoyalCaribbean#BrillianceOfTheSeas