25 Habits of Highly Successfully Happy People
#1 They Forgive
Let bitterness go. Forget the wrong doings – Holding bitterness in will hurt you more in the end than the other person. It does nothing to them, it can literally kill you.
#2 They Laugh – enjoy each moment! Remember when you were a kid, and you laughed a lot? Get that child-like laughter back, don’t be so serious all the time.
#3 They Are Generous
MRI studies have actually shown that the act of giving triggers the same area of your brain as eating chocolate! So the next time you see someone struggling, offer to help. Even if it means giving them $ or helping them pay a bill or meal. You will be blessed more than they will, try it and you will see.
#4 They Breathe Deep
When we breathe deep – oxygen goes into our blood which causes our brain to release happy chemicals known as endorphins. Breath in deep through your nose, then out deep through your mouth, like *pah*, try it right now, just a few deep breaths. They say 10 deep breaths a day, can add many years onto your life!
#5 They Meditate, turn off the noise
The world is so fast paced. We many times automate our lives, and just do, because of habit. Learn to take a minimum of 10 minutes each day. No noises, no distractions. Just you and your habit of happiness.
#6 They Sleep
A rested brain is a happy brain. Getting 8 hours of sleep is best for your body, good rested sleep. If you can sleep till you wake up, that is the best thing, many can’t with jobs, etc, but make sure you are getting enough rested hours, and try atleast once a week to sleep till you wake up.
#7 They Stay Positive
Everyone faces things in life. There is always some sort of bright side, even in the worst of tragedy or adversity. I remember one day after I became a widow, I was having a *woe is me* day, and God allowed me to meet a lady who lost her husband and 4 of her 7 kids in a car wreck. That snapped me back into thankfulness right away) There is always someone who has it worse. Be thankful
#8 They Choose Their Friends Wisely
Friends and family both – Sometimes you don’t have a choice, but most times you do. Choose to be around people that are going to lift you up and push you to be better than you are.
#9 They Don’t Let Others Influence Their Emotions
Some people are the first person to get pissed off at work when someone does something wrong. Emotions in life can run high – learn to focus away from the negativity and stay in positivity – regardless of how others around you are behaving.
#10 They Spend Time Outside – Breathing fresh air
Fresh air – smell it, feel it, soak in the sunshine….feel the warmth, or the coolness of the slight breeze.
#11 They Dream – Have a child-like faith – you had big dreams when you were a child, where are they now?
#12 They Don’t Just Dream
Dreaming can be amazing – but putting your dreams into action and realizing them in life is amazing and lots of fun.
#13 They Love Themselves – First
Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.Many people think it is because you can’t help someone else, if you aren’t helping yourself – which is true. But also many times if you show someone else, what it is like to do it, then they won’t be afraid to do it (especially a child).
#14 They Have Pets
Pets are unconditional love. A joke says if a guy locks his wife in a trunk and a dog in a trunk, when he lets them out – who will show him unconditional love? haha it is a joke, don’t try it! But that is why many people have PTSD pets too – it is amazing how much they can help.
#15 They Outsource Their Weaknesses
Focus on your strengths and let someone else do the rest. Do yourself what you love, pay others to do what you are not as good at or simply don’t love to do. I can make much more money doing what I love, so why not let someone else, for example who loves to clean, and needs some extra money, do the cleaning once week, that I can do, but I don’t love to do?
#16 They Fire Their Boss
If you boss is a jerk – create an escape plan. It might mean getting a different job or starting your own business. Don’t allow people to treat you bad, you are important, you are worthy. Remember that. Work for someone (or yourself) that values you.
#17 They Exercise
It is healthy, it will help you feel better and look better. At one point I had to have a desk job and was working about 80 hours a week to cover bills, on top of that a lot of financial and emotional and spiritual stress, caused me to gain about 70 lbs. I started just a discipline of walking a couple miles each morning, I simply hated it when my alarm clock went off, I will admit it – it didn’t get better either. lol but I did it. And I always, always felt better after, all day long, and eventually the weight started coming off and I started feeling healthier.
#18 They Don’t Let Road Blocks get in the way
We will always come up against things – it is a part of life. Learn how to go around it, make a bridge, or plow right through it! But do it! No one became successful, without some obstacles.
#19 They Smile – See who you can make smile today! Smile anyway, even when you don’t feel like it, and you will automatically feel happier.
#20 They Help People
Because if you don’t, really what’s the point. Plus – Karma is real and she can be a real pain too. What you do comes back to you. You reap what you sew. No matter how you say it. The God who created the Universe, controls it and it is true.
#21 They Listen
When someone is talking to you, look into their eyes. Pay attention. Be present. Don’t allow other distractions. Mary Kay once said she stood in line one time to meet someone important, when she got up there, she felt him look past her at the line instead of focusing on her – he was not present. She chose to focus on people and make them feel important. That is one reason why her business is so successful as it is today.
#22 They are Nostalgic
Remember history. Remember old stories. Look through old photos. Reminisce. Cherish the memories. Cherish the moments.
#23 They Forget the Tech
Unplug. We live in a busy world! Turn off the noise. Put the phone up, turn off the tv, turn off the radio. Relax. Sometimes truly tech people, like me, I run several businesses, which all require *tech*…..when I can turn off all, just for a bit, it can be very relaxing and regenerating energy.
#24 They Love – love people, love animals, love things….treat every one and every thing the way you want to be treated.
#25 They Try
There is no Can’t. Can’t never tried. Can’t is a 4 letter word. You don’t know unless you try. Try it – you just might surprise yourself!