Define what is meaningful to YOU. Just because one coach or trainer says work 24/7 like no one else does so you can play like n one else does later…..doesn’t mean you have to, or that you are not giving it your all if you don’t.
What is meaningful to YOU?For me, my FAMILY has been #1 all my life.I started my journey back becoming self employed in 1993 when I was pregnant w our 2nd child……
Things have been rough, I have had some $10 months, some $100 some $100 months, some $10000 months (and many other numbers over the years……
But my FOCUS was and still is my FAMILY.
If you work so much that you neglect your family, you may be successful one day, but lose your family in the process…..then is that worth it?
I have heard many trainers say “treat your business like a business not a hobby” but in that some also say, if you are not working it 10-20 hours a day you are treating it like a hobby and not serious.
That is their opinion, and I disagree. This world and this life is about relationships…..Even if you are not married and don’t have kids, you still have other relationships in your life.
But everyone is different – you need to figure out what is important to you – and then yes, figure your schedule and WORK when you are working time on your schedule…..
Be PRESENT with your FAMILY and other RELATIONSHIPS when it is that time….
I have not always been perfect, and I have a workaholic mindset…..but I watch myself, and I have learned to schedule myself…..still a work in progress…..every day.
But I work consistently and productively when I am scheduled to work. that is the difference, and one of the big secrets to my success š <3