Every superhero has a story….and while all superheroes don’t all wear capes, they all usually took some sort of tragedy, and instead of playing the *victim* role, they USED that TRAGEDY to LAUNCH them into SUCCESS and to HELP OTHERS.

Batman was a child walking on the street at night with his family, when they were robbed. The thief out of cruelty shot his mom and dad, killing them. Leaving him alone to create the rest of his story without them.
That event thrust Bruce Wayne into a life of seeking justice against criminals.
What is your tragedy/story?
How are you going to help others through your tragedy/story?
What are you going to do to make a difference for GOOD in the world because of your tragedy/story?
When are you going to do it? Don’t wait till it’s too late……
*someone* might be *waiting* to hear your story – to HELP THEM.