Wow, the power of the Defend patch is incredible. 🔵my husband takes a medication for his type 2 diabetes that unfortunately it has given him awful side effects of getting sick🤮 usually for 2 to 3 days after the injection.
He put a Defend patch on to see if it would help the symptoms at all. Usually he can not eat at all without throwing up 🤮 he was actually able to eat and we went out to eat for ours sons birthday yesterday!
👇asked the husband how he was doing today, he said great, and he was hungry!
🟡my dad takes medications for his heart and blood pressure, if he forgets his meds, like he did yesterday he gets pretty bad angina and it takes a few hours for him to start feeling better after he takes his meds.
Yesterday after church, I slapped a Defend patch on him, within an hour he said he was feeling better. Much sooner than normal🙌