Testimonial from Jessica – #HurtBack#RockClimbing#BackPain#FeetPain
I just got my first set of patches yesterday….. I hurt my back thinking I could rock climb for an hour and not feel it the next day (I haven’t rock climbed in years but I was a chaperone on a grade 7/8 trip and I’m the “cool mom” so everyone was cheering me on…
I HAD to keep going ) anyways.. That was Thursday and I woke up Friday morning in quite a bit of pain
Suffered thru it all day Friday and by Saturday morning I could barely get out of bed. I actually bought the freedom patches for my hubby who has back and feet pain….
I slapped one on my back (very first time using a patch) and I was able to actually clean my house this morning and now I’m off for an adventure with my 3 kids today !
I will say my pain isn’t 100% gone but it is close to 80% better
I can’t wait to try the other patches I got !