Hey, hey, everyone! Good evening. This is Laurie Delk Radecki, and I’m going to talk to you tonight about what separates you from others like.
how is it at when you’re working your business like? Are you going for it? Do you have like a lot of hustle? Do you have motivation?
And then also, do you have heart? Do you have love? Do you connect with people?
So? You know women are very emotional creatures, and many times people say
you need to hustle, you need to move to get to the things that you want. and although I totally agree with that. I also
say that you need to remember to put your heart into it like what is the best thing for them like? Not you like not. What do you need to get to your next promotion. You always want to know that, and you always want to be looking at that.
But as far as helping someone else to figure out what they should get.
You need to look at what’s in it best for them. What products do they need, or what service do they need? That’s gonna fit them best.
And what does your intuition tell you right like? Think about that like a lot of times. You know, we have that still, small voice in the back of our head.
and it tells us things right. And so a lot of times that comes from your heart also, and you want to stick with that? Not just, you know, the same thing. What do you need to get
to the next thing that you want to get? And so how do you want to help them?
You want to help them by selling from your heart, so to speak. you should still hustle. You should still push every day, you should still try to move fast.
you should push forward, but think about it at the same time.
How can I help this person? How can I serve this person
right? Pull that from your heart. So good things come to people
who work hard and who work fast and who hustle.
but also have heart, and truly want to help others from their heart. And so, you know, you want somebody that that loves you and cares for you, and wants
your best for you. And so that’s what you need to show to your people, too. And so for you go back to your why
think about like, why are you doing this business? You have to have that heart, and you have to have that passion. And so you also do have to have the hustle and the push forward and to move.
But you have to take care of yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t help other people right like they say in the airlines, you know. Put on the mask for yourself before you try to help someone else.
You can’t pour from an empty cup.
So go back to your why like what is your why, and then write that down, and then ask yourself why of that paragraph. and then ask yourself why of that previous paragraph, and ask yourself why of that previous paragraph? Find, like your core reasons of why you’re doing this business
and ask your people that, too, and get to know your people.
and that way you end up caring for them. You end up loving them enough to help them to get to their next level of what they want.
And you know you, you want to help your people excel. You don’t want to do it for them, but you want to help them excel. See what they need to get to that next level to
push them forward to motivate them and to help them, maybe think outside the box.
Different people, you know. That’s why people hire coaches all the time, because a lot of times someone
on the outside that’s not so involved can see a little bit more. And that’s what you can do for your team, too, and for your customers, your team members.
But talk to them, find out what they want, find out what is their why.
figure out how you can help them.
but get to know them, get to know your people. When you put your love in your care and your heart into your team, they’re gonna be there for you, and they’re gonna help you when you need it to like.
You need to buy some more products. Have more volume on your team for you to get that next promotion right? Your team is going to be there for you to help you out if they can. Obviously right. But
but when they feel that love and that care, and you’re using your heart to help them.
It makes a huge difference, and people stay with you and so make sure to get to know your people. Make sure to get to know your leaders, make sure to get to know
everybody of what they want and why they’re in the business. And
the same thing. Figure out how you can help each other, get to the levels, into the to the different parts in the company that you want to get to. And
that way you excel together, and you grow together, and you build together.
and when people feel your heart
they’re going to stay by you, they’re not going to leave
to go chase another rainbow somewhere else. Right? They’re gonna especially, of course, if you have good product or good service, or whatever. Right then then they’re gonna stay with you, and they’re gonna stick with you also. And so you want to make sure to remember that. And still, like, I said, still build fast, still talk to more people. The more you talk to people, the more faster you’re going to grow right, the more knows you’re going to get, but also the more yeses you’re going to get.
But as you get to know your people and you grow your people together with you.
then, like, they say together, everyone achieves more. Right? You’re all going to achieve more, and you’re all going to get better. So make sure to use your heart
and make sure to use your head both and move forward and go get them. Let me know how what you think of this below this video. Thanks. Everyone.
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