Wow…..going thru stuff this is a car, when I was working 3 jobs in ‘89 to pay the bills, I fell asleep driving home, ran up a tree, into a bulls pen, and then the car caught fire.
This pic was in a stack my mom gave me years ago, I never saw it cuz I was taken to the hospital but luckily only had a couple stitches one a knee and finger
I crawled out the hatch back window, barefoot cuz my heels were who knows where, the left door was a tree n right door I couldn’t open.
I had almost everything I owned in the car (including 20 shoes, about 30 business suit dresses) cuz I was working so much, staying at my parents or friends or my apt depending which was closer at the time…was going to take any real jewelry I had to a pawn shop the next day….it all burnt.
I Thank God for His protection and provision, they say when things like this happens, pay attention God has big plans for you…..I have tried to do that all my life n pray I get better daily